All About
Winner 20 years in a row 2002-2022 of the Man with the most Famous Hands in Heavy Metal!!! Just who is this Dude Victor the SnakeMannn?
January 11th 2023 I will be 39 years Drug and Alcohol Free and Jan 12th 2023 I will have 24 years of No Smoking! People have asked me to go into more detail on my beliefs on why I say I am Conservative. I am not going to apologize for who I am or for what I believe in. I don't care if people like me or dislike me because of what I believe in. I have pissed off enough people and lost alot of friends because of who I am and what I believe in. So screw it. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't. If you don't, I don't need to hear about it. (Even though alot of the demoncrats will tell me how wrong they think I am). I believe in the Freedoms in America granted by the US Constitution and God! Every day I despise Politicians more and more. Politicians from all parties! It seems they all say what the people they are talking to want to hear then when talking to others they say the exact opposite. If I were to run for President, people would want to know my Platform on a few issues. These are some of my thoughts and ideas. Addendum: I am editing a lot of this as most of this I last wrote about in 2014 when the country was in a place close to what it is now, but now we have seen 4 years of President Donald J. Trump and what MAGA or Make America Great Policies can do for the country, and what Obama and Biden Policies can do TO America!
My thoughts on Gas and Oil (I wrote most of this between 1996 and 2010. I believe most
of this as I did my research, but have changed my mind on a lot as I believe a business
should make profits to pay their shareholders, but not to gauge us when they can for said
profits. I also believe that our government not allowing drilling and taxing the crap out
of us and helping to limit supply is also to blame for higher prices!) Pro Life Well for starters, I am Pro Life. Now liberal abortionists
say that it's the woman's body and the woman's choice. Well if I were to intentionally hit
a Pregnant woman, (Which I would never do) and she were to have a Miscarraige, or I were
to get into a car accident, and the same thing, I could be accused and found guilty of
Manslaughter for the death of her baby! No questions asked, just GUILTY!! But if a woman
chooses to kill her baby and allows someone else to go inside her and kill her baby, it is
ok and no one get's charged because it's legal. Something is very wrong here. Now if a
broad doesn't want to have a kid, she should either keep her legs shut or use protection,
and if she get's pregnant, she should put it up for adoption, someone else would want the
kid. Safe Sex should be practiced for STD's anyways. Now to think of all the aborted
babies killed so far, who's to say what some of those would have accomplished? Some might
have come up with cures to deseases, cures for world hunger, inventions to make things
easier, as well as many other things. Some might have become Billionaires and created
millions of jobs and paid alot more taxes. Pro Death Penalty Next, on the other side of the coin, I am for the Death Penalty.
If you maliciously kill with intent and according to the laws, I believe you should be put
to death! I do feel sorry for those wrongly convicted and every attempt to correctly
convict the right person for the crime should be attempted. I think that hideous murderers
should be publicly executed. I think our Government and the States should offer these up
for Pay Per View and help pay the costs of housing and courts of the one convicted and
anything extra should be given to the victims. This would cut the costs to the taxpayers,
and also the ones who got robbed of their loved ones would be compensated. The Right to Bear Arms I am also for the right to Arm Bears! Oops, I mean Bear Arms. I hunt. I believe in the hunting of animals for food and the byproducts which come from animals. It culls the herds and prevents the over populations. I am also for the right to carry weapons for self preservation and protection. If you come into my house or Property and intend to rob me or cause me or my family harm, I will kill you and just deal with it. Why just hurt you and then get sued by you because I used force when your intent was to hurt or kill me or my family? A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Try taking my gun away!!! Taxes Now as I am talking about Taxes, I have several ideas here. I think all taxes should be abolished and a national 15% sales tax should be added to everything but food and medical expenses. This means for every dollar spent in America on anything other than food or medicine, should pay .15 cents. Doesn't matter who you are or how much you earn. If you spend a dollar, you pay .15 cents. So tourists, illegal aliens, people on Welfare, drug dealers, etc... EVERYONE who buys ANYTHING pays. This would be applied to houses, cars, property, and any consumer goods. So what would we do with all of the people who work for the IRS? Well some would be there to collect from the States the US Governments percentage, others could be transferred to more critical needed positions within the Government i.e. I.C.E., Border Patrol, Homeland Security, and various other jobs where we need more people but don't have the money to pay for. So the US makes more money all around from everyone who spends anything, and we delete and reorganize jobs to areas where they are most needed in America. Now the Gas Tax should be abolished and the same .15 cents on the Dollar should be applied as well. This would lower Gas prices around the country, but more people would buy and pay for more gas and the US would end up making more money. Any way you look at it, if you tax every dollar spent in America
you have more revenue! There will be no more tax loopholes for the politicians to hide
behind and they would now pay their fair share. We'd all have more money to spend on
things we need and so we'd buy more and prices would come down and the world would be a
better place. Now why won't demoncrats go for this, like I said above, they write
theirselves tax loop holes for themselves and they put the burdon to pay for all their
spending on Americans like you or me. Illegals do not pay but continue to take, welfare
and food stamp recipients do not pay but continues to take, tourists do not pay etc... It
would probably add $1 Trillion to the budget each year we do not have right now. We'd be
able to pay for all the programs as well as pay down the national debt! Also we stop Taxing We The People and giving OUR MONEY to other countries! It's OUR MONEY! Marijuana The only thing I would tax more would be to Legalize Marijuana and tax it at 50%. Now I am not for the smoking of Marijuana, but people are going to do it and it should be regulated the same as Alcohol and made to be 21 years of age and older, and it should have the same laws applied to it as to alcohol. Marijuana is the BIGGEST Cash Crop Industry in America! Also it would help Veterans and others with many disabilities Opiods do not help. And if it were legal and taxed, 1, It would create new business, i.e. locations to sell it, places
to grow it, places to consume it, and the manufacturing of products associated with it
etc... Gay Marrage 1, There are people in the USA that do NOT believe in the
Bible. Should they not be allowed to be married? Prostitution ACLU, Liberals and the dumbing down of America As for the ACLU, it's supposed to be something that serves Americans. But lately I see stories where they have helped imprison Agents of Law Enforcement that have killed Illegal Immigrants while attempting to enter America Illegally. They stand up for Murderers and Rapists and other Criminals and not the Victims. I am sorry, if someone is falsely accused of something and is actually innocent, then they should do everything in their power to get them off. But they demonize people who are the Actual Victims of crime and glorify the Criminals. This is just WRONG!!!! I did my crimes and I went to prison and served my time. I only deserved the bare minimum of rights while in prison and that's all that was alloted to me. But these liberals want to make it so the Criminals have more rights than the Victims. That's just wrong. It amazes me when I am watching the News and I see some 20 something female lawyer fresh out of Law School on TV defending a KNOWN and CONVICTED Rapist or Murderer. I bet it it were her that the crimes happened to or someone she knows or in her own family, she would not be defending these people. I am also tired of the Liberal Democrats and RINO's persecuting and prosecuting REPUBLICANS and AMERICANS who do not belive in the stupid shit that Democrats believe in! This is AMERICA! It's We the PEOPLE not them the Government! It's not We the People except those people! We have a CONSTITUTION for a Reason! We have a BILL OF RIGHTS for a Reason!
More about Victor the SnakeMannn Now as a Long Haired, former Drug addict, Tattooed, Rock-n-Roll listening, Harley-Davidson driving person, I am not the Stereo-typical Republican "Type", but I am True Red-White-and Blue 100% Red-Blooded American MAGA Republican. I support our Troops no matter where they are deployed! They are serving our Country and no matter if the war is right or wrong in anyone's eyes, we should all support our men and women in Uniform!!! I want to Make and Spend my OWN money the way that I want to!!! I do not want to Take from, nor Give to my Government to give to others that do not want to work themselves. I want to Live where I want to, and do the things I like when I want to. (Legal things of course). I like to go to Movies and Concerts, watch TV, eat and drink what I want to and Listen to the Radio stations and music or talk I want to listen to! All things that Demoncrats want to Regulate and/or Censor. All demoncrats want to do is raise taxes, fund bullshit projects and spend our money the way they want to. I am trying to make my own money and spend it the way I want to. I like Rock-n-Roll, Politics, Harley-Davidsons, Hollywood, Clubs, Bands, Live Rock and Metal Bands, 60's, 70's, 80's Rock and Metal Bands, Traveling, Touring with Major Rock Bands, Photography, Reptiles, Computers, the Internet, and the thought of one day becoming Famous. If you have a way of making me Famous, I will listen. If you like my site, you can nominate me for some Web Awards. If you've browsed around my site, you might not like some of things you see, but you will have to admit, you won't find any SMUT, or anything bad about me, unless you disagree with me on my Politics. It seems being political one way or another makes some people love you or hate you. I do admit being a Republican has made me some Mortal Enimies in the Liberal Communistic Community. My Photography and my Jewelry is my art, and my art is protected under the first amendment, so don't call any of my photography or Jewelry smut. But Politics or art should not be a reason to hate anybody. So there, I've vented and at least I feel better. If you Surf around my site a little, you will see more about me and who I am, and what I like. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and would like to know what you think. Please send me email at . Thanks, and have a great day, (unless you've had too many in a row, then feel free to have whatever kind of day you want to.) I do not want to Pay for people to not work, women to have Illegitimate Children, people to do Drugs, Wars and Welfare in other Countries, let alone people to come across the border every 1st of the month to pick up a check here. I hate paying my Hard Earned Money for these Liberal Band-aides that don't do nothing but make lazy dependent orphans of the State. I dislike Affirmative Action because the Constitution says that "All Men are Created Equally"! For you Feminazi's, Women are included in this. I feel that everyone should have the same chances as everyone else. It's not fair that a black, or hispanic person who "Might" or "Might not" be as qualified as another can get a job due to his or her Race or Gender. That's Racial Bias!!! I cannot get "Special" treatment when applying for a job! I have Long Hair and wear Earrings, but cannot get special treatment when a woman applies for the same job. (But she can)! I was born in the USA and I love my country. The Demoncrats talk about us Republicans "Taking the food out of the Mouths of Babes". Ha I say. They give so much to "The Arts"! They take so much from Me in Taxes! How can I feed my own Kids? (If I had any.) Oh! I just ask them? If they did not take so much in Taxes, maybe people would work and have more to spend on their kids! I don't want to be dependent, but Independent! I do not want to pay for stuff that I don't want to pay for. If they want to pay for it, then I say "LET THEM!!!" I am sorry for the stuff that has happened in the past. We cannot change things by making a bigger gulf between the sexes and races. We cannot change things by making rules that separate and divide, that make others seem less fortunate, but more preferential. I am not trying to be, nor am I bitter, I just want everyone to have the same chance to make it in this world, without exception. I haven't had a Silver Spoon in my mouth. I don't have much more than the roof over my head now. I have bills. I have problems. I can relate. I have been homeless. I have been a drug addict. I have been alot of things. That is not an excuse! I have brought myself up from that, and will continue to CLIMB! I want to be everything that Elon Musk is. I want to Have. That is my Dream. THAT IS THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!!! Anyone can do it, you just have to want it bad enough! I want it BAD!!!!! You should too. Nothing that Osama or Obama, Biden, the Democrats or their followers can do can break our spirit!!! We are AMERICANS. No one can take that from us. Stand Tall, Be PROUD!!! And LET'S KICK SOME ASS!!!!!!!
Now I'd like to vent a little. I am a Pretty easy going guy who likes a good joke, and has a warped sense of humor. Some people complain to me that they don't like me for one reason or another. I'm not a bad guy. I haven't had too many breaks in my life, what I've got I had to make for myself. The friends I have are my friends because they overlook my shortcomings, or just because they want something from me. I have what I call Mortal Enemies that just can't stand me for one reason or another. I guess I don't know when to keep my mouth shut sometimes, or I don't fit into their "Clique". Whatever the reason, they just can't bring themselves to like me, nor acknowledge me for what I am. Yes I can come off cocky sometimes, but that's just me. Some people just can't take a joke!!! I don't try to make people mad at me, it's just a personality conflict I guess. I don't try to be friends with everybody, but I am usually nice to most I meet. I am not any better than anyone else, I just try harder to be noticed and liked. I was deemed an "Attention Getter" Or "Approval Seeker" from a very young age. I do tasks and deeds that most don't want to. I volunteer my time to Politics, Benefits and Charities that involve musicians and music. Yes, I admit, sometimes I am full of myself, but not to the belittlement of others around me. Some people just have a problem with forgiveness. No matter how Nice I try to be to them, or how many times I apologize for something stupid I've said or done in the past, they just can't get over it and get on with their lives. Some people are just pissed because they are pissed. I cannot do anything to change their minds.
So anyways, that's me in a nutshell. I will add to this when I think of more things I believe in or what could make our country a better place to live in. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! This Page last updated on October 7th, 2022 Click here to
see the Jewelry I design at
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